FAQ: How Long Will My Case Take?

February 23, 2022 | By Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys
FAQ: How Long Will My Case Take?

A very common question the Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys gets asked is, “How long will my car accident process take?” No doubt, the question arises due to the fact that thousands are injured on the roadways each year. According to Mike Wyatt, partner at Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys, how long your legal process will take depends entirely on the specifics of your case. However, below are a few scenarios and timelines to consider:

  • Medical Treatment is Ongoing If you are still being treated medically, that treatment process will determine how long your car accident case will take.
  • Medical Treatment is Complete / No Trial If your treatment is complete and the case is being settled rather than going to a trial, it’s often possible to resolve your car accident case in 30-90 days. The average case takes three to six months, however.
  • Medical Treatment is Complete / Going to Trial “If we go to litigation, that’s when it’s possible that your case can take months and even more than a year when a jury is involved,” said Wyatt. “It’s very unlikely, but there are cases that go to a jury trial, through the appeal process and back to a trial process. Such cases can take years.”

Do You Need to File a Car Accident Claim?

If you have been injured in a car accident, we encourage you to contact Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys for a free consultation. Our team of attorneys has more than 50 years of trial and litigation experience, practicing specifically in the areas of personal injury and car accidents. The Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys Midwest Personal Injury Firm works on contingency fees, which means there are no upfront costs or hourly fees, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Request a free consultation with our team of personal injury attorneys or contact us directly at (877) 768-2400. We look forward to speaking with you!