Sitting on the border between Kansas and Missouri, the metropolitan area of Kansas City has a population of more than 2 million people, and there are many nearby cities and suburbs on both sides of the border. If you are in the Kansas City area and have suffered a work injury, you may be wondering how and in which state you should pursue a workers’ compensation claim. According to Scott Mann, founding partner of the Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys, Missouri has excellent laws to protect workers and there are two scenarios in which you could have the right to bring a workers’ compensation claim in Missouri. [videosingle id="20670" width="100%" height="400" rel="false" /] “If you’re injured in Missouri while in the course of your employment, you certainly have a Missouri workers’ compensation claim,” said Mann. “If you were employed or hired in Missouri and you’re injured in Kansas or another state, you also have the right to bring a claim in Missouri.” Have you been injured at work and are currently unable to work or you’re so restricted your employer says they don’t have work for you? Or, have you returned to work, but you are not earning a full wage? Labor laws vary by state, but in addition to provisions for lost wages and medical expenses, Missouri has provisions for Temporary Total Disability (TTD), Temporary Partial Disability, Permanent Total Disability and Permanent Partial Disability.
FAQ: Do I Have a Missouri Workers’ Compensation Claim?