FAQ: What are the top causes of big trucking accidents?

July 20, 2017 | By Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys
FAQ: What are the top causes of big trucking accidents?

If you live in Kansas, Missouri, or Oklahoma, you know the Midwest is full of an impressive number of highway routes. And if you’ve driven on those highways, you share the road with large commercial trucks that use highways to transport goods cross-country. With an increased presence of these large trucks comes an increased risk of being involved in an accident with them. [videosingle id="20902" width="100%" height="400" rel="false" /] Crashes involving large trucks can cause life-altering injuries or even death. According to Scott Mann, truck accident attorney at Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys, common causes of truck accidents in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma could include:

  • Impaired driving due to sleep deprivation or overwork.
  • Inattentive driving due to the frequency with which a truck driver travels.
  • Inattentive driving due to cell phone use, including talking on the phone, text messaging, or even utilizing social media.
  • An improperly maintained truck.
Additionally, Mann believes it’s important to investigate what the trucking company might have done that could have contributed to the accident. They may be asking drivers to drive more hours than they should and modify their logs to show fewer hours. They may neglect required maintenance on their trucks. Ultimately, these questions determine the trucking company’s comparative fault in the accident, meaning their level of fault compared to yours or anyone else involved.

Contact Our Truck Accident Attorneys Immediately

The aftermath of an accident with a commercial truck can be devastating, both physically and financially. Contact Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys as soon as possible for a free consultation. If your injury has left you with limited mobility, we can meet you at home or in the hospital, even on weekends. We will fight to get you the compensation you deserve with no fees until we reach a settlement or verdict. Request a free consultation with our team of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma truck accident attorneys or contact us directly at (877) 768-2400.