Straddling the border between Kansas and Missouri, the metropolitan area of Kansas City is home to more than 2 million people. Additionally, there are many nearby cities and suburbs, including Overland Park, Kansas, and Independence, Missouri. Unfortunately, with the bustling nature of a large city, Kansas City residents experience their share of personal injuries that may be caused by anything from a traffic accident to a workplace injury. [videosingle id="20610" width="100%" height="400" rel="false" /] If you’ve experienced such an injury in the Kansas City area, you may be wondering if there are time limits for when you can file a personal injury claim? According to personal injury attorney Jesse Tanksley of the Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys, there are time limits for filing a personal injury claim and these are set by each state’s statues of limitations, which are the periods of limitation for bringing legal action. There are different statutes of limitations dependent on the types of cases and the different jurisdictions.
Personal Injury Claims in Missouri
- Standard personal injury cases generally have a five year statue of limitations.
- Medical negligence cases generally have a two year statue of limitations.
Personal Injury Claims in Kansas
- There is no distinction between personal injury cases and medical negligence cases. Such cases generally have a two year statute of limitations.