An unfortunate reality of life is that accidents happen when we least expect them. Personal injuries that result from accidents can cause tremendous physical and emotional suffering. Victims are unable to work, which means they can’t provide for their families or pay hospital bills. It’s a vicious cycle that Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys has seen far too often. Two of the most common types of personal injury accidents are workers compensation and auto accident injury. With so many motorists on the road, auto accident injury is an all too regular occurrence. It’s no surprise that it’s the most common type of personal injury in the United States. Auto accident injuries are usually caused by reckless motorists who are either driving too fast, or driving while intoxicated or distracted. The negligence of another driver can injure other drivers, passengers or pedestrians. The impact these accidents have on the lives of victims is devastating. “The average person has no idea what they’ll face after an auto accident. It isn’t about you. There are so many other people involved — ambulances, anesthesiologists, auto mechanics, etc . . .,” says Frank, attorney Mike Wyatt’s client. “If you don’t have legal representation, insurance companies can do whatever they want to you.” If you have been the victim of a personal injury, please contact our Hutchinson Attorneys for a consultation! Workers compensation is another common type of personal injury that our Hutchinson attorneys know all too well. Your workplace should be an environment where you feel safe from injury. However, many employers either knowingly put their workers in harm’s way, or are negligent in their safety standards. This results in many workers not receiving the fair compensation they desperately need to reclaim their livelihoods. “There are a lot of people who get lost in the legal system of corporate America,” says Scott Mann, Hutchinson attorney. “Our goal is to enforce the rights of injured people. We want to restore their self-worth and self-esteem by giving them new opportunities to get their lives back on track.”
Your Hutchinson Attorneys Against Common Personal Injury Accidents